Making Crêpes: Tips & Tricks with French Native (Online or in-person)
Who wants to make some crêpes like a real French?
I regularly provide crêpe workshops @Laneway Learning Melbourne to give you all the tips and tricks to make amazing crêpes for breakfast and parties with the authentic recipe of my French grand-ma.
Laneway Learning is a not-for-profite community-based organisation providing affordable and fun classes in anything and everything! We are working together to give you an instructive, entertaining and interactive experience – even online!
Check the next workshop here

Pardon My French workshops
Bonjour! Pardon! Comment vous appelez-vous? Sacrebleu! S’il-vous plait? Merci.
Going on a trip to a French speaking country or simply want to learn some basic and useful French? I regularly provide Pardon my French workshops @Laneway Learning Melbourne to give you the basics in French. And you’ll be ready to meet some francophones!
Laneway Learning is a not-for-profite community-based organisation providing affordable and fun classes in anything and everything! We are working together to give you an instructive, entertaining and interactive experience – even online!
More infos and bookings : Beginner – Special Swear Words – Calligraphy

Bastille Day French Festival – Queen Victoria Market – 7, 8 & 9 July 2023
Once again, I’ll be volunteering at the Bastille Day French Festival.
This festival is an opportunity for every French speakers and French culture lovers to gather and celebrate the French national day. 3 days with lots of fun, delicious food, some French music and many amazing performances to watch.
More information on the event’s page.

French Summer Club
This summer 2023 join the FRENCH SUMMER CLUB !
Free fun activities for kids to learn French while making new friends!
The French Summer Club is open to children from Prep. to Gr.6. Registration is required as material is provided. The program includes outdoor and interactive games, treasure hunt/puzzles, songs and craft.
Contact me if interested! FB events : Eltham, Doreen, Ivanhoe.

French Teacher at l’Ecole du Samedi – FBA
From the 16th of July 2022, I’ll be part of the French Bilingual Association and will start teaching at l’Ecole du Samedi (the Saturday School). Saturday School welcomes children aged from 3 to 12 years old from French-speaking / bilingual families. The main purpose of the classes is to nurture and encourage communication in French. Children get the opportunity to learn and write in French. Looking forward to seeing you there!

French Language Assistant Teacher in primary and secondary schools.
During term 3 and 4 of 2022, I’ll be helping French teachers in two different schools as part of the Local Native-speaker Language Assistants Program 2022.
Bastille Day French Festival – Federation Square (Melbourne CBD) – 16 & 17 July 2022

I’l be volunteering to help with the organisation and the visitors at the festival. Come and celebrate with me the French National Day at Federation square !
More information on the event’s page.